Transformative Healing with Charlotte Ottley

Healing and a feeling of personal wholeness can occur when the mind, body, and spirit are in balance. Healing intention is a conscious choice to improve your overall health to achieve peace, and self-love and to experience a deep inner awakening and self-actualization. Charlotte’s unique and holistic approach to healing the mind, body, and spirit is rooted in treating the whole person based on individualized needs and goals. Charlotte’s purpose is to help you discover wholeness through various services that she provides which include Intuitive Readings and Healings, Energy & Stress Relief Yoga, Meditation, and Breathwork. She strives to help you overcome challenges in your life that might be holding you back from achieving the utmost vitality, peace, and love in your life.

Our Services


Enhance your physical, mental and energetic health using simple, yet powerful techniques.


Gain clarity and deeper insight into all aspects of your life.


Strengthen inner peace, emotional balance and mental clarity using a specific methodology.

About Charlotte Ottley

Charlotte’s interest in healing and transformation began early on in her life. Her exposure to her parents’ practice of Transcendental Meditation as a method of obtaining inner peace, relaxation, self-knowledge, and transcendence ignited her curiosity about spirituality as a young child. Having both parents committed to such a transformative healing practice and experiencing many challenging life-changing events, Charlotte began her path of healing and spiritual awakening in her early 20s. Charlotte began practicing meditation at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and also began practicing various styles of yoga at several established yoga studios in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she was born and lived until her early 30s. Learn More